

我记得这是我买的某一张英文名曲合辑 CD 里的一首曲子,但怎么也想不起来是哪一首了,于是只好一首一首的找。终于被我找到,是 Ralph McTell 唱的 Streets of London


Have you seen the old man

In the closed-down market

Kicking up the paper,

with his worn out shoes?

In his eyes you see no pride

And held loosely at his side

Yesterday's paper telling yesterday's news

So how can you tell me you're lonely,

And say for you that the sun don't shine?

Let me take you by the hand and lead you through the streets of London

I'll show you something to make you change your mind

Have you seen the old girl

Who walks the streets of London

Dirt in her hair and her clothes in rags?

She's no time for talking,

She just keeps right on walking

Carrying her home in two carrier bags.


In the all night cafe

At a quarter past eleven,

Same old man is sitting there on his own

Looking at the world

Over the rim of his tea-cup,

Each tea last an hour

Then he wanders home alone


And have you seen the old man

Outside the seaman's mission

Memory fading with

The medal ribbons that he wears.

In our winter city,

The rain cries a little pity

For one more forgotten hero

And a world that doesn't care



  1. Yesterday’s paper telling yesterday’s news

  2. She just keeps right on walking Carrying her home in two carrier bags

  3. Same old man is sitting there on his own Looking at the world

  4. In our winter city, The rain cries a little pity. For one more forgotten hero, And a world that doesn’t care

  5. And say for you that the sun don’t shine

  6. I’ll show you something to make you change your mind


我从 YouTube 上找了一些这首歌的视频,其中一个是 1986 年的现场演出,原来这首歌已经很老了。令一个视频是 BBC 制作的喜剧,放在这里:

视频里讲的是 Ralph McTell 在演唱会里唱完了 Streets of London 这首歌,观众欢呼完了后,Ralph 说要唱下一首,结果观众都非常惊讶、愤怒,在 Ralph 介绍下一首歌并开始演唱后,一直在台下喊“Streets of London!”、“他在干什么?”、“这是什么玩意?”、“不”……最后弄的 Ralph 很无奈,只好把歌曲转到了 Streets of London 这首歌,地下的观众才继续高兴了起来。

我并不是美国 60~80 年代的乡村、流行音乐迷,因此对于 Streets of London 这首歌的流行程度并不了解。不过作为 Ralph 的成名作,这首歌必定是广为流传的。我也不知道这个搞笑视频里描述的场景有没有真实的出现过,不过一旦出现了,不知道歌曲的演唱者是该高兴还是悲伤。我同时想起了台湾综艺节目里面有人说笑话,说是黄安靠《新鸳鸯蝴蝶梦》这首歌“一招鲜,吃遍天”,去哪个节目中演唱都是这一首。而我确实也不知道黄安有其它的什么著名歌曲。


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